Journal Citation Reports allows downloads on pages that feature the export option. We are adding addition export and print abilities to the Journal Citation Report as we add features.
The full download of JCR data is no longer available from the JCR application as of March 2022. The new interface, launched in June 2021, is designed to allow for the in-depth analysis researchers expect from the JCR application, providing comprehensive journal data and metrics in addition to the JIF. The 600 limit is aligned with the largest category in the JCR, allowing you to still download data from a particular category in your field of research. If the current features on the JCR do not allow you to do the analysis you need, the product team is always available and open to discussion so we can improve the product. You can reach us at
If you are looking for the list of journals indexed in JCR, this is available to download as an Excel file from the MJL Downloads page.
For more advanced data and integration needs, we recommend our Journals API for which documentation is available here
A subscription is needed for this API and if you want to request one, please contact us on