November 6, 2019

JCR metrics files with the October reload data are now available in the JCR application. Only JCR subscribers who are entitled can access these files through a username and password.

October 11, 2019

2018 Data Update

After JCR data were published in June 2019, we were able to obtain materials--which were preventing journals from receiving a Journal Impact Factor--and to correct metrics for a small number of journals. The 2018 JCR data (2019 release) are now complete and all updates are fully incorporated into the product.

During production for the 2018 data reload, we found a small number of expected updates were not successfully implemented in time, and not included in the citation counts for J PEDIAT INF DIS SOC. The following metrics are official data, and include all citations associated with those updates.


Total citations: 971

Journal Impact Factor: 2.443

July 25, 2019

JCR Metrics Files

JCR Metrics Files with 2018 data (released in June 2019) are now available in the JCR application. JCR subscribers who wish to have these files will need to be entitled (via user name and password).

June 20, 2019

This release of Journal Citation Reports provides 2018 data. The 2019 data will be available in the 2020 Journal Citation Reports release.

This release also includes three new categories: Quantum Science &Technology, Development Studies, and Regional & Urban Planning.

2018 Data Update

After the initial annual JCR release is published, this section will be updated biweekly with notes about pending additions or adjustments to the JCR data. All changes will be reflected in the JCR application when the dataset is reloaded and closed later in the year. These metrics can be considered official JCR data but are provisional until final publication in the reload. 

Users may submit feedback for adjustments to citation and citable item counts. All feedback will be considered and fully investigated. The deadline for submitting feedback for consideration for the reload is August 1, 2019.

April 08, 2019

A new application update was released today with the focus on moving the existing functionality from the "All years" tab to the new JCR profile page (current year tab). To that effect, we have made the following improvements to the new JCR profile page in this release. 

  • Added Cited Journal Data, Citing Journal Data and Metric Trend to the new profile page
  • "Graph" option available for each value in the Key Indicator block. The corresponding values are then reflected under the Metric Trend graph. 

March 22, 2019

We are LIVE with the new URLs below. The legacy Thomson Reuters URL will continue to re-direct to the new Clarivate domain URLs for few more weeks. Please take a moment to update any saved bookmarked links you may have to avoid an interruption in service.

  • To access Journal Citation Reports, please bookmark https://jcr.clarivate.com
  • To access Essential Science Indicators, please bookmark https://esi.clarivate.com
  • To access InCites Benchmarking & Analytics, please bookmark https://incites.clarivate.com 

Shibboleth/SAML Customers

Our customers using Shibboleth/SAML SSO to access InCites B&A, JCR, ESI platform are required to perform mandatory configuration changes in order to continue accessing the platform after March 22. 

New SP metadata is available in this location which includes references to the new urls above.

  • Federation/Customers software that supports only single entity should NOT update the url until the cutover date (March 22). They will have to perform the change on March 22 or later to continue uninterrupted access to the platform.
  • Federations/Customers software that support upload of the complete metadata can perform these configuration change between now and the cutover date (March 22). Such customers will need to download our metadata from the above location and upload it into their software to continue uninterrupted access to the platform.

EZ Proxy customers

We have worked closely with OCLC to update the EZ Proxy configuration available here to incorporate our new URLs. 

Please ensure these configuration updates are completed at the site by March 22 in order to continue accessing the InCites platform.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact customer care

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